
Mood Swings

By MedStudio Staff

Ah, mood swings… for some women, hormones seem to have only a small impact on their moods. For others, a literal train wreck looms at every turn.

“Women can be… greatly affected by hormone fluctuations. Sometimes it gets to the point of feeling totally overwhelmed – as if for a time they have lost control of their life.” – Christiane Northrup, MD author of “The Wisdom of Menopause”

Ladies, your brain is an amazingly sensitive organ! It weighs about 3 pounds on average and uses 20% of your glucose, oxygen and nutrients of your body. It communicates with and is the command center of your entire body. Communication is done by neurons via neurotransmitters.

What happens when the neurotransmitters don’t get the help they need from dietary intake, body chemistry or hormones? They misfire, or don’t fire as often as they should. This can lead to those moods, depression, or conditions like anxiety. Well, conventionally, you’ll probably be told you need anti-depressants, neuroleptics, anti-anxiety medications…But, the problem may not be that you are broken mentally.

It is possible the issue is your unbalanced hormone levels.

Moods & Your Hormones

The word “hormone” is from the Greek meaning to rouse or set in motion. It is a messenger or sorts calling certain parts of your body to action. What happens if the messenger stops doing its job? Do you treat the part of your body that didn’t get the message, or do you try to get the messenger back to work?

Did you know your thyroid hormone is related to serotonin in your body? You’ve probably heard of Serotonin. Serotonin is one of the primary ingredients of anti-depressant medications. Serotonin is called the “happy” hormone. It helps to regulate mood and positive feelings, like being in love.

Did you know why women with estrogen deficiency once did not need anti-depressants to regulate their moods, and suddenly now they do?

Because estrogen is a natural serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Here’s a secret – it’s nature’s anti – depressant! Does it make more sense to replace the natural function that served you so well for years, or to return that function to your body naturally? Estrogen deficiency has a domino effect on brain chemistry and moods.

Do you feel sometimes like you just don’t want to talk to people? (P.S. You aren’t alone.) Another important precursor hormone to estradiol and testosterone is the unsung hero DHEA. This messenger helps regulate a sense of well- being, improved sleep as well as libido. DHEA also has the important job of increasing the firing activity of serotonin neurons (the happy ones!)

Progesterone – the unsung hero of hormones – is another important puzzle piece to your mood. The largest concentration of progesterone receptors is in what is called the limbic area of the brain, which is the center of emotion and also is called the “area of rage and violence” by animal physiologists. Progesterone has a calming effect on the brain, which means that an imbalance or deficiency can lead to varying levels of anxiety, depending on the level of the imbalance.

Books upon books have been written on hormones and the impact on your body, your moodiness, depression, and yes, even your anxiety. You are not alone… we promise. Information is power – and you should have all the power YOU need to make the right decisions for your health and happiness.

Bioidentical Progesterone versus Progestin: What’s the Difference?

Many medical researchers and healthcare practitioners debate the merits of bioidentical hormones (i.e., those that are chemically identical to the hormones produced naturally in the body) versus non-bioidentical ones. The primary concern with non-bioidentical treatments is that because they are not quite identical to the substances produced in the body, the body typically responds slightly differently, with a greater possibility of undesirable side effects.

Dr. Bronson reports that the primary biochemical difference between bioidentical progesterone and non-bioidentical progestins is their relationship with water. Bioidentical progesterone is hydrophobic, meaning that it repels water or acts as a diuretic. In contrast, non-bioidentical progestin molecules are hydrophilic, meaning that they bond easily with water. So, if you take a non- bioidentical progestin such as Depo Provera®, your body (including your brain) can retain water, which may have additional side effects on your brain chemistry.

A study by Dr. Lorraine Fitzpatrick of the Mayo Clinic supports the finding that perimenopausal women reported better relief of anxiety and depressive symptoms with bioidentical progesterone than they did with a non-bioidentical progestin.

Women and even men should not have to suffer in silence. If you have symptoms and want relief, contact someone at MedStudio to find out more. And of course, information is great when evaluating and learning about your health choices. Ultimately, only a qualified licensed medical provider can make a qualified diagnosis and recommendation.  While this document is not to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any type of illness or health condition, we hope it will make you interested enough to seek more information and get your life back. After all, it’s Your Health. Your Choice. Your Journey. We are here to guide you.

Want to learn more? 

If you have symptoms and want relief, call or email MedStudio today to schedule your 30 minute free no obligation consult to learn more about how we can help you feel better.


“Mood Biochemistry of Women at Mid-Life” by Phyllis J. Bronson, PhD; presented at the American Academy of Environmental Medicine Conference, September 28–October 1, 2000, in Hilton Head, SC; and personal interviews, February 2001 and February 2012.

“Comparison of Regimens Containing Oral Micronized Progesterone or Medroxyprogesterone Acetate on Quality of Life in Postmenopausal

Women: A Cross-Sectional Survey” by Lorraine A. Fitzpatrick, MD, Cindy Pace, BS, and Brinda Wiira, PhD; Journal of Women’s Health & Gender- Based Medicine, Volume 9, Number 6, 2000.