
Best Therapies for Low Testosterone

May 18, 2022

The Best Therapies for Low Testosterone

As men age, their bodies naturally produce less testosterone; one method for combatting this trend is low testosterone therapy — learn more.

Testosterone is responsible for a man’s sexual development and is essential for maintaining bone density, muscle integrity, healthy red blood cells, reproductive function, and healthy fat distribution.

Men’s bodies naturally start producing less testosterone around the age of 30 and continue to have less throughout the rest of their lives. The decline in testosterone in men is a natural part of aging. However, it can sometimes be attributed to illnesses, stress, or damage to the pituitary gland, testicles, or brain.

Although low testosterone, or low T, can be caused by illness or injury, aging is the most common cause of low testosterone. If you are experiencing symptoms of low T that are not attributable to aging, testosterone therapy might be right for you.

Some symptoms of low testosterone include:

●     Reduced Sexual Desire

●     Erectile Dysfunction

●     Increase in Body Fat

●     Decrease in Bone Density

●     Hair Loss

●     Decrease in Energy

●     Decrease in Motivation/Self-Confidence

●     Trouble Concentrating

●     Extreme Fatigue

●     Infertility

As men age, their bodies and minds undergo a wide variety of changes. Some of which might be attributed to low testosterone. To determine if low T is causing your symptoms, you’ll want to discuss them with your doctor or other healthcare professional.

If you’re experiencing symptoms like hair loss or erectile dysfunction (ED), these may be related to low T or be caused by a different health condition altogether.

Best Low T Treatment Options

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

When treating most low testosterone symptoms, one of the best low T treatment options seems to be testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

TRT is known to improve low T symptoms such as low libido, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, decreasing muscle mass, and impaired cognition.

Testosterone replacement therapy is available in many cities throughout the country and can be administered in various ways. Some of which include:

●     Intramuscular Injections.

Testosterone can be injected into a specific muscle area once or twice a week and can be done by your doctor or at home.

This is the original and more traditional TRT method and has rapid, long-lasting results.

●     Testosterone Pellets.

These are placed underneath the skin, where a steady dose of testosterone is released into the soft tissue over several months (usually the buttocks or hips).

●     Testosterone Patches.

These are applied every day, delivering a small dose of testosterone throughout the day but not necessarily the best option for men with active lifestyles.

●     Gels/Creams.

These are applied on the upper chest or upper arm for a daily dose of testosterone.

It tends to be less convenient and more slow-acting than testosterone pellets. It takes longer for the hormones to get into the bloodstream. Very important to wash your hands thoroughly after applying. The gel can be transferred in close contact with others in your family.

Risks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

If testosterone levels are decreasing because of normal aging, it is essential to be aware of the risks of hormone treatment.

The FDA approves the use of testosterone replacement therapy in cases of men who have low levels of testosterone due to illness or medical disorders. There is not enough research on whether testosterone replacement therapy is beneficial to men with lower testosterone levels due to aging.

A decrease in testosterone is a normal part of aging.

Risks of TRT treatment include:

●     Acne or other skin-related reactions

●     Enlarged breasts

●     Limit sperm production (infertility)

●     Shrinking of testicles

●     Sleep apnea

●     Increase in red blood cell production (can lead to blood clots)

Lifestyle Approaches to Low-T


Studies have proven that when you exercise, you produce more testosterone. Regular exercise increases motivation and improves mood and mental balance. Creating a weight training and/or cardiovascular workout can help raise testosterone levels.

Exercise also reduces weight gain, an essential factor in decreased testosterone in males. Long jogs and high-intensity weight training can both be beneficial.

Try to fit a 30-minute workout into your daily schedule.


Sticking to a healthy diet can help keep testosterone levels even.

Some foods to implement:

●     Celery

Even though it has little caloric value, celery has enzymes that promote testosterone.

●     Banana

Bananas increase energy levels, but they also contain the enzyme bromelain, which helps boost testosterone.

●     Nuts

Almonds, macadamia, groundnuts, peanuts… all rich in zinc. Nuts are suitable for any diet, but to improve testosterone levels, they are fantastic.

●     Red Meat

Red meat is very high in zinc. A healthy portion of red meat 3-4 times a week can help maintain testosterone levels.


Some studies suggest that taking supplements like vitamin d, zinc, and those containing D-aspartic acid can also increase testosterone production.

If you want to know more about male low T symptoms, testosterone replacement therapy, or are suffering from symptoms you believe are different from life’s natural course, then let’s talk.

Schedule an appointment today.