
Eating Right for Your Blood Type: A Personalized Approach to Nutrition

September 14, 2023
Eating For Blood Type

Eating right for your blood type is a concept that has gained traction in recent years thanks to the work of Dr. Peter D'Adamo, a naturopathic physician and author of the book "Eat Right 4 Your Type."

The theory is based on the idea that different blood types require different diets for optimal health. There are 4 different blood types — A, B, AB, and O. Each blood type has specific antigens, which are substances that trigger an immune response.

These antigens can influence how your body reacts to certain foods. According to Dr. D'Adamo, this is why some people may thrive on a vegetarian diet while others may require more animal protein to feel their best.

Doctor D’Adamo came up with the idea by studying humanity’s development pre-agriculture (more than 10,000 years ago). Blood types are a fairly recent mutation that Dr. D’Adamo believes are closely connected to the types of foods our ancestors once ate.

For example, the majority of humanity had type O blood before agriculture was invented. They were hunter-gatherers and mostly ate animal protein, so the theory goes that you should try to eat that same type of diet if you have type O blood.

Blood type A came later — after agriculture was invented and most people became farmers, primarily eating what they grew while hunting very little. People with type A blood theoretically adapted to this new diet, so people with this blood type today would presumably react better to these types of foods (and react poorly to a meat-based diet).

Here’s what you should be eating depending on your blood type according to Dr. D’Adamo.

Blood Type A: The Agrarian

People with blood type A are believed to have a sensitive immune system and are more susceptible to stress. Dr. D'Adamo recommends a primarily plant-based diet if you have blood type A as your body may be better equipped to process and digest plant proteins.

This is basically a vegetarian diet with very little meat, if any. Protein should only come from plant sources. Dr. D’Adamo stresses that people with type A blood need to eat only organic foods and should only eat food that’s very fresh — processed food is out.

Foods to Focus On

Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds are excellent choices if you have blood type A. Soy products, such as tofu and tempeh, can also be beneficial.

Foods to Avoid

People with blood type A should limit their intake of meat, especially red meat due to its potential impact on their sensitive immune system. Dairy products should also be avoided or consumed in moderation.

Blood Type B: The Nomad

Those with blood type B are thought to have a robust immune system and a high tolerance for a variety of foods. Dr. D’Adamo believes that the B blood type was developed mostly in nomadic cultures, so they had a mix of plant and animal food sources, and they also relied heavily on dairy to supplement their diets when food was scarce.

A balanced diet that includes both plant and animal proteins is recommended for people with blood type B.

Foods to Focus On

Lean meats, such as turkey, rabbit, and lamb, are excellent sources of protein for people with this blood type. Fish, dairy products, and certain fruits and vegetables, like bananas, grapes, and leafy greens, are also great.

Foods to Avoid

Blood type B individuals should avoid chicken, corn, wheat, and tomatoes, as these foods can cause inflammation and digestive issues.

Blood Type AB: The Enigma

Blood type AB is the rarest and most complex of all blood types, found in only 5% of the population. In fact, it’s believed to have only developed about 1,000 years ago.

While the other blood types may be the result of a direct evolutionary process in a specific geographic region over many thousands of years, type AB may be the result of people beginning to intermingle throughout the world as explorers and immigrants made their way from continent to continent.

People with this blood type are believed to have a delicate digestive system and may benefit from a combination of the diets recommended for blood types A and B.

Foods to Focus On

If you have blood type AB, you should focus on eating a mix of plant and animal proteins, including fish, tofu, and dairy products. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains should also be included in your diet.

Foods to Avoid

Red meat, processed foods, and heavily caffeinated beverages should be avoided. These foods can cause inflammation and stress out your digestive system.

Blood Type O: The Hunter

Because type O is so common, it would theoretically explain why a high-protein low-carb diet works so well for so many people. Think of type O as the “original” blood type of our hunter-and-gatherer ancestors, something that still lives on today.

People with blood type O have a strong immune system and a high tolerance for animal proteins. They also tend to have higher levels of stomach acid and are more susceptible to ulcers, which makes eating the right foods even more important.

On top of that, people with type O blood are better able to digest meals that contain both protein and fat, so you should try to include unsaturated fats in your diet alongside your protein.

A diet rich in lean meats, fish, and vegetables is recommended.

Foods to Focus On

Lean meats, such as beef, lamb, and venison, are excellent sources of protein. Fish, especially cold-water fish like salmon and mackerel, provide essential omega-3 fatty acids. Vegetables and fruits should also be a staple in your diet.

Foods to Avoid

Avoid grains, legumes, and dairy products as these can cause inflammation and digestive issues.

Eating Right Might Not Be Enough

If you change your diet and you’re still having issues with energy, concentration, and sex drive, food might not be the issue.

You might have a hormone imbalance.

To learn more about hormone replacement therapy and discuss your options, schedule an appointment today.