
"GAINSWave Dramatically Improved My Sexual Performance" - Ben Greenfield

May 8, 2024

33 year old author, fitness guru, and "biohacker" Ben Greenfield put GAINSWAVE to the test. He was a bit skeptical at first, but quickly became a believer with rock hard erections. The results of his treatment lasted every day for a full month.

Contrary to what most men and women think, the GAINSWave treatment does not just involve "getting one's genitals shocked", just as a yoga practice is technically not just "stretching", but instead an entire mind and body experience. Shockwave therapy has existed in modern medicine for decades and has primarily been used as a treatment for lipoatrophy (localized loss of fat tissue) and to break up kidney stones using high-frequency acoustic waves.

About fifteen years ago, researchers in Europe realized that by using lower intensity acoustic pulse waves, they could also apply these same waves to the penis without damaging the skin or organs. Based on this trendy breakthrough of kidney doctors blasting their gonads with soundwaves, physicians were eventually able to treat erectile dysfunction at its root source: poor blood flow.

When the acoustic pulse waves are applied to the penis, they create a micro-inflammatory process that releases nitric oxide, a vasodilator, and the same chemical induced via the consumption of pills like Viagra or Cialis. Over the course of eight to twelve weeks after the procedure, new blood vessels in the genitals grow, known as "neovascularization." These shockwaves "wake-up" dormant stem cells in the penis, leading to improved erectile function and enhanced tissue growth. GAINSWave therapy may also increase the size of the penis.

Scientific studies suggest that this therapy might be more effective than other treatments, including medications and really expensive penis pumps. But thanks to the overcrowding of the sexual performance industry by pharmaceutical and supplement companies, there were no standardized protocols, machines, or training programs until GAINSWave.

GAINSWAVE TREATMENTS available at MedStudio - Learn More

* Written by Ben Greenfield on bengreenfieldfitness.com