
Is Red Light Therapy For You?

January 1, 2023

Red light therapy (RLT) is the use of infrared radiation (which literally means heat) to treat a variety of conditions. RLT has been around for decades, and while for a long time it was considered a “fringe” therapy, most experts now agree that it has many benefits.

There are many different names for RLT, including:

●      Low-level laser therapy (LLLT)

●      Low-power laser therapy (LPLT)

●      Photobiomodulation (PBM)

Red light therapy essentially heats up your skin cells, giving them more energy so that they can work more efficiently and effectively.

What this means in practice is that RLT can potentially help with skin problems, including:

●      Acne

●      Wounds (helps them heal faster)

●      Sun damage

●      Baldness

●      Stretch marks

●      Wrinkles/fine lines/age spots

●      Scars

Numerous trials have shown that RLT does help with these issues. However, it seems that RLT might be beneficial for a wider range of health issues than was initially thought. It’s possible RLT can help with these conditions as well:

●      Low sex drive

●      Menopause

●      Reduced cognitive function (memory and attention issues)

How RLT Works

Inside every cell in your body, there are several hundred thousand organelles called mitochondria. They’re essentially the powerhouse of the cell — they create energy for the cell so that it can do whatever it is that particular cell is best adapted to do.

Cells can have very short or very long lifespans. Some cells in your body last only a few days, some a few years, and some for your whole life. As cells age, they become less efficient. They can accumulate toxins, become damaged from disease or injury, and can just generally become run down.

By giving your cells a direct infusion of energy, it seems they can bounce back somewhat, become reenergized, and get back into better working order. How this happens is unclear, but the fact that it works is what matters most.

RLT is considered very safe when done right. You sit, relax, and let the warmth do its job.

To learn more about the benefits of RLT and to see if it’s right for you, schedule an appointment today.