LDN Therapy

What exactly is LDN?
LDN aka Low Dose Naltrexone is a prescription medication that safely supports the immune system, making it a good candidate to treat symptoms of autoimmune, central nervous system disorders, along with some cancers. Patients report positive results as a treatment for hormone imbalance, allergies and asthma, Celiac’s or Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s, chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia, endometriosis, inflammatory bowel disease, mood challenges, ulcerative colitis, chronic pain and more.
How does it work?
MedStudio offers a holistic, whole-body approach to health and wellness care. Low dose naltrexone or LDN works by encouraging the brain to produce and release specific endorphins, supporting the immune system, releasing stress, and promoting improved sleep. LDN helps to reduce inflammation, which is one of the body’s primary immune responses—one that can cause a host of other issues when you’re dealing with autoimmune disorders. The endorphin response stimulated by LDN supports your immune system naturally by getting the body back to normal.
If LDN becomes a part of your recommended healing journey, our trusted medical providers will provide a prescription for you to one our recommended compounding pharmacies.
Please note: If you are looking for a prescription for LDN only, please contact your family doctor.